Win a Britax Affinity 2 Pram worth £465 UK Mums

Britax, a global leader in child safety, has recently unveiled the BRITAX AFFINITY 2. Designed with fashion conscious parents in mind, the successor to the award winning BRITAX AFFINITY has a minimalist, modern design, without compromising on comfort, safety or ease of use.
Suitable from birth when used with an infant carrier or carrycot, the new and improved BRITAX AFFINITY 2 now features a larger seating surface, single handed recline adjustment from the back of the seat, apron attachment improvement and a bigger carrycot with larger apron allowing for children to travel in comfort at all times. Other key features include foam-filled rear wheels that will not only absorb any bumps in the road, but also ensure that parents do not have the worry of a flat tyre mid outing.
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