You know when you get totally into something, and you can’t get it out of your head? Like a catchy song on the radio, chocolate buttons or a hot waiter…my head has been filled with lighting….lurrrrvey lighting.
You the same?Stand back – cos I’ve the answer! My mega amazing lighting competition where you can enter for your chance to win a £100 voucher to spend on dream lighting for your home with FirstChoiceLighting. They have loads of designer brands on their site that had me drooling over my laptop.
You know when you get totally into something, and you can’t get it out of your head? Like a catchy song on the radio, chocolate buttons or a hot waiter…my head has been filled with lighting….lurrrrvey lighting.
You the same?Stand back – cos I’ve the answer! My mega amazing lighting competition where you can enter for your chance to win a £100 voucher to spend on dream lighting for your home with FirstChoiceLighting. They have loads of designer brands on their site that had me drooling over my laptop.
My Dream Light Shopping
As I can’t resit filling up my virtual shopping basket (ermm….see my wall-light shopping rampage in Tuesday’s post), I thought I’d share how I would splosh the dosh if I had a 100 quid to spend on lighting for my home.
To be honest, I want ALL these lights for my home. Freak’n awesome.
How to enter to WIN £100 lighting voucher
Tempted to treat your home to a wall light after seeing my 9 picks? I’ve collaborated with FirstChoiceLighting and you can WIN £100 voucher to spend on lighting of your choice from their huge range. Simply enter below and you could be brightening up your home in no time.
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